Mrs Smarty Plants was born back in 2019 by mother-daughter duo Renata and Kristina. The founder, daughter Kristina, explains how the idea came about.
'All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother' (Abraham Lincoln).
Back in 2019, mum's grandmother duties were drying up with my daughters growing up and heading off to school, and mum was spending more and more time with her beautiful collection of plants. Every visit would see me leave with a new potted plant that she'd lovingly propagated, and she would proudly show me her newest baby plants. With my house quickly filling up with beautiful plants from mum, I knew that all those babies she's been growing were going to end up in my ever growing jungle. Something had to give.
As I sat up that night trying to think about how to tell her that she's gotta find a new hobby, that I can't look after all these plants... I HAD AN IDEA!
The next morning, mum popped over to take the kids to school as I got ready for work. I told her about my idea, and although she loved it (she's always been my biggest cheerleader x) she was certain nobody would actually buy them.
A couple of weeks later mum accompanied me to our first pop-up market stall and was in awe of how well they were received. The idea took off! People loved the puns... and I've lost count of how many hundreds of times we've had to assure our customers that "yes, the plants are real" just because the plants are soooo perfect!
With our pop-up locations growing and growing... we had a full calendar of events that were postponed; and loyal customers that were looking forward to visiting to buy more. It was time to move online.
So here we are today...excited to be launching our online store! Don't worry guys, we'll also still be doing our pop-up's once restrictions have lifted... we miss seeing you all and hearing the wonderful feedback.
Until then, stay safe!
- Kristina xx